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    Another Review of Instacart

    A while back I confessed that I had resorted to doing my grocery shopping online because I was overwhelmed with work and parenting. At the time, the extra expense seemed worth it because I’m still trying to “make a clearing” in my life to fit in everything else. 
    But the reality is it’s actually not more expensive for me to use Instacart. I’m really not sure why. At first I thought they might be tricking me as a way to get me to come back again (since the prices on every item fluctuate). So I tried it again. And again. And again (basically every week since I wrote that
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    Yes, it’s that time of year when I sound like a crazy person for planning Halloween so early. It takes me a lot of time to brainstorm ideas and then execute something! 
    This year, we are replicating what we did last year: We let Henry pick his costume, and the rest of us plan around him. This year will be our last year of going down that path, since Tate will be three next year and will likely want to go his own way. 
    I sat down with Henry and had him use his moveable alphabet to spell out his ideas. He immediately new what he wanted to be: a
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    How to Teach Self-Discipline Instead of Just Discipline

    I’ve been a progressive educator my entire life, despite the fact that I’ve spent many years working in schools that were far from progressive. At the first school I worked at in rural Louisiana, the principal kept a paddle on her wall and used it to beat the children. 

    Through it all, I’ve struggled to find an approach to discipline that is simultaneously progressive and specific. As someone who has always worked in schools with high numbers of children who are impacted by poverty, I need lots of tools and strategies. 
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