Talking with Our Children about Sex
It’s important for me to try and raise Henry in a way that teaches him to be responsible with his sexuality and to feel proud of his body and himself.
I found From Diapers to Dating: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Sexually Healthy Children early on, and it has been a valuable resource for me over the past four years.I’ve been implementing these strategies since Henry was born, and I’m happy with his knowledge level and his comfort in talking about things with me. He knows that boys have penises and girls have vaginas, and he knows that babies grow inside of women’s uteruses. He loves hearing the story… Read More -
Updating the Environment
There are certain people out in the world (like Kelly Rae) who love rearranging furniture or love spending time getting dressed in the morning. I am not one of these people! I am more of a “set it and forget it” kind of person. I want to find the best way to arrange furniture or decorate my house and then just leave it alone and enjoy it for all of eternity. I want to have a few solid pieces in my closet and then just grab and go in the morning.
Having children really challenges my first preference. There’s no way to “set it and forget it” when it… Read More -
My Clothes Are Getting Tight
Oy! It’s uncomfortable to feel like you’re squeezing into your clothes every day.My mom’s weight has fluctuated her entire life from thin to obese. I have a similar body type and a similar relationship to food (I over-eat if I’m bored or stressed or trying to fill a void in my life), so it’s something I pay attention to.What’s going on in my own life?- I’m not eating a healthy lunch. I think the first thing I need to do is set aside time to actually eat lunch. I’m not doing this, and I need to. I get really busy during the day and run from thing to