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    One-Pot Meals

    I’m definitely on a one-pot meal kick. I’m always looking for simple and fast meals for weekday family dinners. 
    I know one of you wasn’t too impressed with this meal, but it was a big hit with our family. I added way more shredded Parmesan cheese than was recommended, and I think that helped increase the flavor. 
    This week we are going to try:
    Yeah, it’s a lot of pasta in one week but it is what it is! 


    REMINDER: The next Purposeful Conception Course: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy starts April 20.
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    Why We Stopped at Two Children

    Deciding how many children to have–or whether to have children at all–is such a personal decision (and it’s important to acknowledge that deciding whether to have children is entirely separate from actually being able to have them). 

    Initially Matt and I were going to stop after one child. For me it was about freeing up space in my life to give birth to other things, like a network of public Montessori schools in diverse communities nationwide. I added books to my wishlist about raising an only child. 
    But after Henry was born, I felt drawn to add another child to our family. I wanted to bring another independent being into
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    April: Reflection & Rejuvenation

    Spring is here! 
    Austin generally has a pretty mild winter (with lots of sunny, warm, bright blue days thrown in), so the seasons tend to blend together. However, this winter has been particularly rough (in a relative way, of course). We’ve had lots of cold, wet, dark days. It seems fitting that I’ve had the toughest days of my life starting a school amid such conditions.
    But Spring is here! All the trees are coming back to life. We’re planting in the garden and even swimming in our backyard. What fun! 
    I’m kind of scared to look back at my goals for last month because I didn’t move them into
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