Reflection & Rejuvenation: March
Oh, March, how did you manage to sneak up on me so stealthily? I didn’t even see you coming.I was afraid to look at my goals for this month because I really haven’t been looking back at them. I have them in my action plan, but my org system has been overwhelmed with work stuff.But that’s what this monthly process of accountability is for–for better or worse!- Purge and organize our entryway: I did this on March 1st! I’m really not too fond of my strategy of tackling one thing a month. I would much rather take a weekend and get everything done at once.
- Work one hour
Dearest Henry: Happy 4th Birthday
To My Most Favorite Henry in the Whole World:
You are a gem. At your birthday celebration at school, the teacher asked the children in your class to go around the circle and ask you questions. One child asked, “What is your favorite thing to do at home?” And you said, “Cuddle with my mama.” Two more children asked you the same question and your response was the same.
You melt my heart.
The thing is, you are not clingy or needy. You are fiercely independent and full of your own ideas and your own way of doing things. I try to step back to let you do things your … Read More
Montessori Practical Life: 19 Months
According to Montessori theories of child development, children start demonstrating a readiness for practical life activities between 15 and 18 months. I feel badly that I haven’t sufficiently supported Tate’s development in this area. He’s definitely ready! The other day I handed him the pizza sauce and the spreader, and he applied the sauce to our pizza crust. He can also transfer laundry into the machine, carry a child-sized basket from the bedroom to the washer and dryer, and put away his clothes and shoes. I bet he would even help wash the dishes if I could muster up the patience and time to support him! It’s amazing what little… Read More