Montessori Practical Life
Henry has definitely undergone the shift that happens in development between 0-3 years-old and 3-6 years-old. It’s fascinating to watch him grow!
After a conference with each teacher, I realized that I’ve been over-nurturing certain aspects of his development and unintentionally treating him more like a 6-9 year-old. Matt and I are both Montessori trained in 6-9, so that’s where we’re more comfortable. For example, Henry has shown interest in “doing research,” like wanting to learn more about motorized para-gliders after we saw one on a hike (they are fascinating!) and wanting to research whether or not it’s developmentally appropriate for him to get a pedal bike.The conference with… Read More -
Job Openings
The other day, I e-mailed a longtime blog friend to see if she had any leads on potential staff members for the school I’m working to start, and she mentioned that she and her partner might be interested once they finish their graduate school programs. It gave me the idea to put the request out there to all of you! Perhaps Magnolia Montessori For All is “the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet” or you might know of someone else who might be interested!————-Do you believe that schools should educate the whole child? Do you want to support learning that is hands-on, differentiated,… Read More -
Matt’s parents gave us $100 as part of our Christmas gifts this year, and they requested that we select a charity of our choice to donate it to. I decided to invest $50 of it in a Kiva loan. Henry and I browsed the website and decided to give our money to Ashkhen so she could help build her farming business.The amazing thing about donating through a micro-loan program is that if our money is repaid, then we can reinvest it in someone else!Henry definitely understands the concept of money now. He loves his jar system, and it’s been really sweet to watch him make his choices.… Read More