• Reflection-n-Rejuvenation

    New Year’s Resolutions

    Happy New Year! I hope this Monday morning finds you well. It feels so great to be publishing posts again. Thanks for existing out there.

    I read something in passing that only 8% of New Year’s resolutions are kept so why bother?   

    For me, it’s empowering and comforting to commit to do something, make a plan for getting it done, and then to put one foot in front of the other to make it happen. I definitely don’t follow through with everything I say I’m going to do (like my Master Plan for Moving which resulted in Matt throwing everything in boxes until 4am the day before we moved while … Read More

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    Helping the Homeless

    Over the past couple months, Henry really started to notice and talk about all the homeless people we pass on the street. Although we try to keep his world mostly positive during the first plane of development (during which he is developing his love for the world), we also want to be honest with him about what he sees. 
    It was very clear to us that he was feeling sympathy for the homeless people we pass by each day, so we wanted to enable him to do something to help the situation. We decided that what made the most sense for our family (given that we live in Central Texas
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    Teaching Children to Save Money

    Henry has been really interested in money lately. He really, really wants quarters for candy machines around town. We choose not to give him quarters on the spot and instead tell him that he can remember to bring quarters from his piggy bank (he solves this problem by turning the knobs anyway–it works more often than you think it would!–and finding stray candy on the ground and putting it in his mouth before we can stop him–it builds his immune system, right?). 

    His interest in money inspired my idea for his Christmas present this year: a modified piggy bank system that encourages him to save his money for various purposes.
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