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    Making a Clearing

    When I started thinking about my New Year’s Intentions last week, I stumbled upon the idea of needing to make a big clearing to accommodate all the work that is coming up in my life. I’ve been friends with lots of folks who have started schools (and worked part-time to help open a school in 2012-13), and the consensus is that it’s overwhelmingly crazy. 
    The problem is that I don’t want the craziness to box out the other parts of my life that need attention, such as my family and my health/wellness. For me, it’s all a connected system and all the parts have to be functioning well (even if
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    New Year’s Resolutions

    Yes, it’s that time of year already. It takes me a while to come up with my intentions for the year, so I need to start thinking about it early. I also need to figure out what my process will be for reflecting on the year. 

    I might want to use my template or maybe Andrea’s form instead. Or perhaps I need to create something new.

    I’m wondering if I should start with what I need in my life on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis and use that as the base for how I reflect on my life for the past year and set intentions for the new year. 

    Or perhaps I
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    The Magic of Montessori Movement

    There are aspects of the Montessori philosophy that make parenting more difficult. For example, I think it would be much easier to plop Tate into one of those baby exersaucers. 
    Instead, I always try to put him on the ground during his awake time. I try not to put him into positions that he couldn’t get into himself (e.g., no bumbo seats to support him in a seated position before he is actually sitting). His first activity was lying on his back watching visual mobiles, like the whales and butterflies, or going on his stomach to look at black-and-white books.
    Once he started reaching for the mobiles hanging
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