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    How to Revive Trick-or-Treating in a Neighborhood

    I’ve been trying to decide what to do for Halloween. I posted on our neighborhood list-serv to get a sense of what our neighborhood is like, and it sounds like it’s a lot of dark houses and not a lot of trick-or-treaters. 

    My first inclination was to schlep our family to the Mueller development. It’s a high-density, primarily affluent neighborhood in East Austin. Apparently families from all over our side of town flock there for the bountiful candy. I thought the close proximity of houses would be easier on a toddler.
    But then I thought about one of the comments on the list-serv a little more:
    We had one caller
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    Inch by Inch, Row by Row: Front-Yard Garden

    I’ve written this post so many different ways in my mind over the past week as I’ve debated whether or not to move forward with a front-yard garden. 
    In one version of the post, I was going to write all about how we have to be honest with ourselves about who we are and what our preferences are–no matter what other people say/think and no matter what we tell ourselves in our own romantic stories about who we want to be. 
    Ever since I started this blog in 2006(?) I’ve wanted to garden at home. We went to great efforts to make this dream a reality when we lived in
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    Halloween Countdown

    Halloween preparations are in full swing at our house. I love the month-long preparation/anticipation process–it makes the holiday that much more fun for me. And I LOVE how excited Henry is about Halloween. 
    As a side note, Halloween probably isn’t a very Montessori holiday for young children (between dressing young children up in imaginary things when they are trying to understand the concrete world and stuffing them with unhealthy candy), but it’s an important ritual in our family, which is more important to us than implementing strict Montessori.
    Henry is already practicing how to say, “Trick or treat–may I have some candy please?” 
    As I mentioned in my last post
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