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    Montessori Home Tour

    I had the great fortune of taking a Montessori parenting class with Sarah Moudry (the mom featured within my all-time favorite Montessori video, Edison’s Day). We started when Henry was five weeks-old, and it was amazing to have her as a resource to answer my questions and provide guidance. Although I haven’t read it yet, I bet there’s some useful information in her book about toilet learning.

    She’s presenting at an upcoming conference and she asked me to make a video about how her class impacted how we do Montessori in our home. In case you’re interested, here’s a little tour of what some of our Montessori spaces
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    Light-Blocking Shades

    One of the difficult aspects of our new house is figuring out what to do for window treatments. Honestly, the house is not designed to sport window treatments well. The windows in Henry’s room, for example, push right up to the wall making it impossible to hang a curtain without closing off some of the window or they are insanely wide, making it cost-prohibitive to purchase some type of roller-shade or blinds. We knew all of this when we purchased the designs for the house (and even made some of the existing windows bigger!), but we didn’t make the house more window treatement-friendly because we generally don’t use many window
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    Three Months: Happiest Birthday, Tate!

    Oh, Tate. We are all so in love with you.
    Henry continues to adore you. He wants to hold you, kiss you, and rub your head. The three of us spend quality time together every day after we pick up Henry from school. You love watching what Henry is doing.
    You have been all about talking to us this month! You smile and make all sorts of gurgling, cooing, and baby screaming noises. You would much rather talk to one of us than watch your mobiles.
    I’ve been lazy about letting you nap in the Moby wrap every day. You are such the perfect little napper
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