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    Strengthening Our Support Network

    The most recent round of Purposeful Conception: Preparing Your Mind, Body and Life for Pregnancy started this week. The first lesson is a holistic life assessment. I love working through the exercise every couple months with each new class. It’s interesting to me how much our family’s strengths and areas for growth can change in such a relatively short amount of time.
    Right now, our biggest area for growth is our Support Network. It’s definitely grown tremendously since we moved to Austin 1.5 years ago (has it really been that long?). My dear friend Sarah (author of Monday’s post about living car-free) set up a Meal Train for
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    Maternity Leave Guest Post: How to Offer Sincere Condolences

    Photo by: Muffet

    By Adinda E.E. Delporte

    Death and sadness are as closely connected to life as birth and happiness, yet people generally tend to avoid talking or thinking about these subjects. With reason, I suppose, because filling your life and mind with sad thoughts doesn’t exactly evoke happiness. Yet from time to time, we have no choice but to acknowledge death and grief and think about how we deal with it; how we help others deal with it. In recent years, I have lost two uncles and one great-uncle and while I was definitely shaken by their deaths, these were in no way my dearest loved ones. Their deaths … Read More

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    Maternity Guest Post: Thoughts on Living Car-Free with a Child

    By Sarah Kay
    My husband Henry and I are wrapping up our first year as parents and our fourth year without a car. We
    sold our car–my beloved “Rocketstar”–back when we lived in Oregon
    and could easily bike and walk everywhere we needed to go. Two years
    and two states later, we were living in Austin when we found out we
    were expecting our first child, HP.
    Upon hearing the pregnancy news, well-meaning friends and family often asked us some version of the following: You’re going to have to get a car now that you’re having a baby, right? We
    responded that we hoped to continue our car-free lifestyle with
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