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    Homemade Popsicles!

    I saw popsicle molds at Whole Foods the other day and was inspired to make some for Henry this summer. Instead of purchasing a mold on the spot, I did an Amazon search to find the most inexpensive one I could. Besides the awesomeness of only costing $6.41, the mold also seems to make smaller popsicles, which will be perfect for a toddler. 
    I was even more elated when I realized that I can make and freeze green smoothie popsicles for Henry. Since Matt makes Henry’s breakfast in the morning (which is currently oatmeal), Henry doesn’t regularly drink green smoothies anymore. I’d love for him to have a daily
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    Recipe for “Laborade”

    Today marks the start of my 34th week of pregnancy! Can you believe it? It’s been a simultaneously long year (with the miscarriage and then another pregnancy three months later) and a simultaneously incredibly fast pregnancy.
    It’s time to make sure we’re prepared for our impending home birth (fingers crossed!). We transferred to the hospital for Pitocin after laboring at home for 40 hours with Henry. We’ll see what happens this time.

    I’ve been going through the handbook provided by the midwives. I have quite a few supplies to purchase at Goodwill.
    I also need to gather the ingredients for “Laborade,” which is a homemade electrolyte drink
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    Baby Routines

    Oh, I can only begin to imagine the controversy that this post will inspire! There are many people who think I’m a bad mother because of my penchant for routine. They think that I try to control every aspect of Henry’s life and get him to fit within a neat little box.
    But I want to write this post anyway because each of us needs to figure out what makes sense to us and our families. The more we share information with each other, the more we can expose ourselves to different ideas. We can sift and sort through them to uncover what resonates with us.
    I still remember the
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