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    Reflection & Rejuvenation: March

    Ah, March. Welcome! 
    This year is divided into chunks for me: Jan. and Feb. were all about finishing up the charter application. March-June are more about stasis (still working on the school, still doing my other part-time job, enjoying our family of three before it expands), July-September are about the new baby and adjusting to our new life, Oct.-Dec. will hopefully be about getting back into work as the superintendent/principal of a new charter school (fingers crossed), while parenting a young child. 
    Our house is moving along slowly. They’ve still only built the foundation. I’m not letting myself get stressed about it in any way.
    I finally decided to make
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    Supporting Pre-Readers

    Henry’s birthday gifts were a huge success! He loves his new books, and I particularly love Big Machines from the DK Readers series. According to Montessori philosophy, young children are in a developmental phase where they are trying to understand the world. For this reason, the books we read to them should be non-fiction (or realistic fiction) and should contain real photographs whenever possible. While we don’t follow this philosophy 100% (I love Go Dog Go and Are You My Mother?), I do find that Henry is most attracted to books with real photographs. 
    I’m going to use some of his birthday money (half of it is being
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    Class Starts Today!

    We turned in our charter application to the state of Texas on Thursday. Phew! I stayed up until 6am (and then slept until 7am) before running around all day (to tour a school, get checks cashed, get things notarized, make 1,716 pages of copies, and hand delivery the six copies to the state education office.
    I’ve never stayed up that late to work on something in my life (even in college). The state revised the budget templates less than 72 hours before the application was due, so it prevented us from getting the application done as early as we would have liked. The final step–hand feeding each sheet through my
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