Support Public Montessori Dear Friends of Montessori For All,… Read MoreThe time has finally come for
us to submit our application to the state of Texas to open the first
public Montessori schools in Austin and San Antonio. We will turn in our
application to the Texas Education Agency tomorrow, and we would
greatly benefit from your support today.By
clicking on the link below, you can use a credit card or a PayPal
account to donate money to Montessori For All. If you donate today or
tomorrow, we can include your tax-deductible donation in our application and further
demonstrate to the state that overwhelming support exists for the
concept of Montessori For -
Thoughts on Maternity Leave
Yael asked a really great question on a post a couple weeks ago, in response to my comment about a 3-month maternity leave. She said, “I may have missed a previous post on the topic, but are you only taking a three
month leave with the new baby? I am in no way judging, I am just truly
interested. As a mom of two (2.5 yrs and 10 mo), I find myself thinking a lot
about giving equal opportunities to both children, without at the same time
renouncing to my and my husband’s plans and dreams.”I, too, think a lot about the importance of giving equal opportunities… Read More -
Pgymy Goats!
In preparation for Henry’s birthday party walk to the local farm, he and I trekked to the feed store (Callahan’s for all of you Austin folks) to purchase some goat feed to pass out as favors.Going to feed stores is seriously a hobby of mine. I loved exploring Wabash when we lived in Houston, and now that I have a child, trips to the feed store are elevated to a whole new level.As soon as Henry and I walked in, we immediately spotted piglets. I seriously can’t think of anything cuter than baby pigs with their mother.And next to them were two pygmy goats–also as cute… Read More