Book Giveaway!
I know most of you are past the wedding planning stage, but you might still have friends/family members/colleagues/neighbors going through it.You’re welcome to enter two separate contests to win a free copy of A Priceless Wedding: Crafting a Meaningful, Memorable, and Affordable Celebration (and definitely feel free to send your partner/friends/family/neighbors/colleagues over to increase your odds of winning)!Good luck to you and yours!.goodreadsGiveawayWidget { color: #555; font-family: georgia, serif; font-weight: normal; text-align: left; font-size: 14px;
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Baby Registry Revisited
I got an e-mail from a former Purposeful Conception kindred spirit (she’s due a couple weeks after I am!), asking for my thoughts about the items on our original baby registry. Would we still want all those same things now that we have the benefit
of knowledge and experience? What would we do differently? What do we wish we had put on there? What items did we never actually use (if
any)?I have to preface this post by pointing out that every “Must Have” baby item list I’ve ever read (even from bloggers whom I turn to every day for other advice and insight) has never even come close… Read More -
My Organizational Vision
When I read this little joke over at Modern Parents, Messy Kids about how the author had completely and utterly organized her entire life, I was actually inspired to create my own list–for real, not as a joke. Regardless of whether it stems from some kind of neurosis (perhaps an intense need to control things to make up for the lack of control I felt in childhood?), I have an intense interest in and desire to completely organize our home and my life. Being in clean, bright, orderly environments palpably lifts my spirits. Being organized makes me feel lighter and freer. Ironically, the more organized I am, the more comfortable