Montessori Holiday Presents
As the holidays approach, I’ve had a couple requests to talk about how we communicate to others about what kind of toys we prefer for Henry. It’s a delicate situation, for sure. It’s difficult to sound sufficiently and authentically grateful for others’ generosity while simultaneously saying, “We prefer not to have plastic or battery-powered toys.” We’re lucky because our families ask for lists of things. When I gave them the list last year (see below), I tried to include a range from very specific items to general brands and/or stores that tend to sell more natural things.————Hi All,I hope this message finds you well!Matt and… Read More -
Budget Update
As many of you know, Matt and I had to kick our saving into high gear in order to move forward with building a house. We revised our monthly budget and have had to work really hard to live within it each month, so that we can bank my entire part-time salary.At first, the adjustment was really stressful. I was very bought into the plan. While Matt supported the plan, he had a lot more difficulty implementing the plan (primarily because it meant eating out less). Once we adjusted to the differences, however, it’s really been a lot easier. We eat out twice a week (spending less than $20… Read More -
November: Reflection & Rejuvenation
On the one hand, I can’t believe the year is almost over, but, on the other hand, we still have 1/6th of the year left. That’s not too shabby.
Still, these two months tend to blur by. I want to stay ahead of everything that the season requires.Let’s see how I did with last month’s intentions:- Get my car’s oil changed. I know this seems like minutiae and is
hardly worthy of being listed as a goal for the month, but I need the
accountability to get it done. Um, no. But I’m going to do it tomorrow, okay? - Be patient while we wait to see whether or not
- Get my car’s oil changed. I know this seems like minutiae and is