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    Dear Henry Jones: Halloween #2

    I was able to keep up with the “living, breathing scrapbook” idea for Henry’s first year. Once we hit the second year, I moved more toward the electronic version (i.e., sending notes, photos, and videos to a special e-mail account for him). I didn’t think he’d want a binder for every year of his life. However, I might consider making him a book of photos each year. Or maybe some kind of electronic slideshow. I’m not sure. For now, I still like to capture notes and send them to him. Here’s the most recent one from yesterday:
    Dearest Henry Jones:
    What a fun second Halloween! This year
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    Marriage & Motherhood

    I just love this reflection over at Kelly Rae Roberts about marriage after baby. She says, “Parenthood,
    like any other big transition in life (marriage, separation, moves,
    etc), throws you into major opportunity to grow into new versions of
    yourself and into new versions of partnership and marriage. They aren’t
    kidding when they say it’s life changing. I think it’s self changing. Marriage changing. All the changing isn’t easy, but there is wholeness and healing at every turn.”
    She goes on to say, “We’re
    finding the pieces just don’t fit together the way they used to in the
    marriage puzzle, the self puzzle, the community puzzle. The pieces
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    The Natural Deodorant Saga Continues

    Argh. How many more posts will I have to write before I settle on a final solution? 
    The pursuit of more healthy deodorant is not something I want to give up on. I’m honestly nervous about the potential carcinogens lurking in the products we use day in and day out (I tried to stop using canned beans to avoid BPA, but I really can’t get my act together to soak and cook them so far in advance; instead, I’m switching to Eden Organics, which uses BPA-free cans–and, by the way, seems to have some awesome, easy recipes on their website!).
    As a recap of where I’ve been on this
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