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    Juggling and Balancing

    I’m happy to pregnant for so many reasons. First and foremost, I am thrilled to expand our family and to welcome a new little personality into our home. It is such an honor to help Henry uncover and live into his unique being every day. As an aside, can I tell you the sweetest thing that happened with Henry (19 months) yesterday? We were at the park for our daily hour after school and snack. I was sitting on the ground letting him do his own thing. He was climbing up steps and sliding down the slide, picking up rocks, etc. Then he noticed a piece of trash on the
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    Well, I’m Pregnant!

    Yeah, I’m in disbelief, too. 
    After a negative test at the doctor’s office, I decided to wait until the 17-days-past-ovulation mark to try a home test.
    If you’ve been following along, you know that I didn’t go to the doctor for a pregnancy test; I went for a yearly check-up. Since the doctor was already testing my blood for other things, she offered to do a pregnancy test. I tried to explain that my cycle is really long and that she should trust me about when I say I ovulated instead of looking at the last date of my menstrual cycle, but she said we should test anyway.
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    Find and Follow Your Passion

    This comment from One and Doll deserves to be pulled out and spotlighted. Simply lovely.

    What you are in love with,
    what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.
    It will decide
    what will get you out of bed in the morning,
    what you do with your evenings,
    how you spend your weekends,
    what you read, whom you know,
    what breaks your heart,
    and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
    Fall in Love, stay in love,
    and it will decide everything.

    -Pedro Arrupe, SJ

    P.S. Thanks to Grandma Cotner for the early Christmas present so a little boy could follow his passion. We bought this bike and pulled all the
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