Meal Planning Revisited
I’m currently reading An Everlasting Meal, which makes it sound very romantic and enviable to simply start a pot of boiling water and then decide what to make for dinner. That approach is far from my reality (although I’m loving the book). In my life, it makes much more sense to plan out my meals for the week. A) I’m a planner, so having a plan tends to make me feel more comfortable. B) We’re trying to save as much money as possible, so we only buy what we absolutely need at the grocery store, and C) I’m not the kind of person who enjoys spending much time thinking… Read More -
Survey Says: Not Pregnant
The nurse called to say that the results of my blood work indicate that I’m not pregnant. Honestly, I’m surprised. I feel pregnant again (even though you’re not supposed to be able to feel anything). But I would also be surprised to get pregnant so easily. So who knows. I asked how early blood work can measure pregnancy, and she said ten days. It’s been more like eight days, so I have no idea if that’s affecting it or not. The internet said as early as 7 days.I don’t know. Just wanted to keep you updated.(Meanwhile, I’m trying to generate a whole list of reasons why it would… Read More -
Am I Pregnant?
Oh, that question. The weeks between trying to conceive during ovulation and being able to take a home pregnancy test are difficult. I know I am not allowed many passes for complaining about the wait, since I’ve gotten pregnant twice during the first cycle of trying. The first try led to this wonderful guy, and the second time ended in miscarriage. Now we’re on attempt number three.I’ve been working through Purposeful Conception again, and as part of my next steps, I scheduled a yearly physical with my primary care physician. I wanted to get my annual pap smear and get some blood work done to see if… Read More