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    Halloween in July

     Love this hat!
    No doubt this post will make some of your eyes roll back in your head. But, for me, if I’m going to execute a handmade Halloween costume, I have to start planning it in July. And, for the record, it’s almost August.
    I’m eager for Henry to be able to communicate to us what he wants to be for Halloween. A friend of mine let her four year-old make a list of everything she wanted to be for several weeks (of course it kept changing), but she gave her a deadline. When the deadline came, she had to pick something off her list and stick with
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    The Kind of Life We Want to Live

    Building a family house is a big step for Matt and me. In order to recoup the money we’re putting into it, we’re going to have to live there as long as possible. We may possibly stay there for Henry’s entire childhood. 
    It’s weird to think about our lives like that. It’s weird to realize that Henry’s entire childhood is going to fly by and, before we know it, he’ll be an adult who is leaving the nest.
    Thinking like this has definitely made me devote a few spare moments to brainstorming the kind of lives we want for our family. Here are some things that come to mind (this
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    An Easy Way to Help

    How about a 30-second way to do a good deed today?

    Step One: 

    Step Two:

    • Find the Facebook “Like” button at the top

     Step Three:

    • Click it.

    Voila! Good karma coming your way! 

    (Fine Print: I apologize for stretching the concepts of “good deeds” and “karma” to fit this tiny little request. It really would mean a lot to me. Thank you in advance for your help!)