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    A Call to Action

    Did you already buy a copy of the book? If so, thank you! I am doing a little twirl and curtsy in your honor.
    If you aren’t able to buy the book (I understand the bane of budgets) but still want to help, please consider spreading the word among your networks. I’ll take a stab at drafting some sample text to make it easier on you:
    • Check out this book my friend just published about cooking with young children to help them develop independence and confidence in a Montessori way. All proceeds go toward starting public Montessori schools in diverse communities nationwide. http://www.amazon.com/Kids-Kitchen-Independence-Confidence-Montessori/dp/1477542043/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1342926494&sr=8-1&keywords=kids+in+the+kitchen+montessori
    • Hi Friends, I hope
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    Setting Up a Kid-Friendly Kitchen

    I was getting ready to purchase this tracking toy that helps indirectly prepare children for reading (since they follow the balls or cars from top to bottom, left to right–well, preparation for languages that follow that structure). But since Matt and I are desperately trying to save money for the house we’re trying to build, I asked myself if Henry really, really needs it. 
    I recently bought him several other wooden toys, and he definitely enjoys playing with them. However, he doesn’t gravitate toward them, even though they are easily accessible on low shelves. Instead, he wants to interact with new things that he finds in the environment–a
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    Dwelling in Possibility: Action Requested

    I write a lot of posts about dreaming big and making it happen for a few different reasons:
    1. I love Mary Oliver’s question: “What will you do with your one wild and precious life?” Life is too short to dread getting out of bed in the morning or to spend all your time complaining about all the things that are going wrong. Each day affords us the opportunity to uncover and move closer toward our most authentic selves. I hope that by sustaining a dialogue about dreaming, planning, and then doing I can help at least one other person make their dreams happen. 
    2. Writing about my goals and my
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