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    Backyard Dreaming and Scheming

    During our meeting with the architect, we had the chance to look at how our house will be situated on the land. It helped me realize that we will actually have quite a bit of land. Even though it’s a 1/2 acre, lots of that is in the creek, and the flat part of the lot looks pretty small. But based on the survey, I think we’ll have a pretty good chunk of land to work with. Before I jump into the specifics of what to do with that land, I thought it might be better to “start with the end in mind” and focus on the vision piece:
    1. We
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    How to Prepare for Conception

    I don’t want this post to come off the wrong way. I’m going to share the things I did to get my body ready for conception, but the underlying message is NOT: “Do these things and you will get pregnant.” Unfortunately, people could do all of these things and still not get pregnant, while other do none of these things and get pregnant right away. 

    As someone who likes to plan and orchestrate things, I have to remind myself of this simple truth all the time: I can control the inputs, but not the outputs. 
    But embracing that message doesn’t stop me from working on the inputs. With Henry, there
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    Bye, Bye Pacifier

    If you’ve been around a while, you might remember that I was torn about whether or not to introduce a pacifier into Henry’s life when he was infant. The pure Montessori books recommend against it, but the only way to soothe Henry to sleep was walking (since I decided early on not to use breastfeeding to soothe, due to nipple soreness) and walking wasn’t a good option for me because of my prolonged lochia. 
    When he was four weeks-old, we took him to an outdoor silent film event at the park downtown, and a family near us had a son just four weeks older than Henry. While Matt wore Henry
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