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    Finding Quality Childcare

    In my Purposeful Conception class, I recommend that people who are trying to conceive should start thinking about what kind of birth they want to have and who they would like their care provider to be. Once you become pregnant, it can be stressful to “shop around,” depending on how the first trimester is affecting your body. Even though it might feel like putting the cart before the horse, I actually think it’s a very useful strategy (even if you don’t end up getting pregnant for a long time, moving to a new city, or something else). It helps you understand what your options are and helps you start to
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    Thoughts on Having a Second Child

    For the longest time, my plan was to have only one child. I was an only child for 15 years, and none of the arguments against “onlies” made sense to me. Because I want to live in a close-knit community, I figured that we could fill our son’s life with plenty of close, close connections. The benefits of having an only child (not as much work, cheaper, better for reducing population growth) seemed to outweigh the vast drawbacks (hard/hard/hard, refereeing sibling bickering, saving for two college educations, etc.).

    And mainly, I wanted to give birth to other things in my life, like a school and a community. I figured I

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    Thoughts on Weaning

    In the Montessori tradition, weaning generally happens between 10-14 months, as children start eating more solid food. Weaning is considered to be an important part of helping children cultivate their independence.

    That timeline fits with my own preferences for weaning. Once we got over the three rocky months at the beginning, breastfeeding has been much easier. And it’s been awesome knowing that I’m nourishing Henry with the healthiest possible thing. But I’m eager to reclaim my body and my independence.

    Last week, Henry and I seemed to come down with a yeast problem. He had thrush in his mouth, and I think he passed the yeast infection to my

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