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    Childcare Changes

    Henry Jones is about to turn one. Can you believe it? He is almost an entire year old.


    In the Montessori community, that means it’s time for him to spend a couple hours a day in a community. By spending time with other children every day, Henry will learn how to contribute meaningful to a group (which will build his self-worth) and how to interact with others respectfully. He’ll be inspired to continue to develop and grow by watching older children. And he’ll have fun!

    Although I am incredibly thankful that I was able to stay home with Henry for the first year of his life (mainly by tightening

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    Green Smoothies!

    I am so happy to be back in my green smoothie routine. I drank them every day of my 2nd and 3rd trimester, since I was trying to build up my iron stores without having to take an iron supplement (trying to avoid constipation…). Link
    After the birth, Matt continued to make one for me every day (spinach/kale + frozen mango + 1/2 banana + 1 c yogurt) until Henry was diagnosed with a dairy sensitivity. Henry still seems to have a bit of a sensitivity (he has really dry skin, which has a 50% chance of coming from a food sensitivity), but we are getting back into the green
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    Thoughts on Dreaming Big and Making It Happen

    I don’t normally do Q&A on this blog, but I received a really thoughtful set of questions that I think has wide relevance. Here’s what she shared:

    I’m not proud to admit it, but I often feel that I don’t live up to my potential. For example, I got my master’s degree in social work at considerable emotional, intellectual, and financial difficulty. My plan was to become a psychotherapist and yet four years later, I am still working in a psychiatric hospital doing case management. I don’t really like where my career is right now but am not sure how to change it. I love to read and write but

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