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    Nine Months: Happy Birthday, Henry!

    Dearest Henry,
    This month was the first time when I sat back and thought, “The time is going too quickly! Please slow down!”
    In three short months you are going to be a year old. You are growing so much every day. It’s clear that you understand more and more of what we say and do. If your dad blows raspberries on my stomach and then tells you to do it, you will crawl over, lift my shirt, and blow raspberries to make me laugh. You like to chase and be chased.
    You are also good at communicating that you don’t want to stop eating grapes and cheese in order
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    Reflection & Rejuvenation: December

    The last month of the year! Egad!
    I have officially started scrambling. I don’t have much time left to accomplish my yearly goals before 2012 rolls around. My best friend tries to remind me that 2012 is just one day after 2011, but it’s more than that. I have to trust that I can set and achieve goals for myself. There is so much about life that we can’t control. But there is also so much that is in our control. I want to focus on the things I can influence and accomplish. I want to take responsibility for my life.
    And so, December is
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    Dwelling in Possibility: Building Community

    Friends, things are moving very fast on the Austin Pocket Neighborhood front. We modified our original vision of trying develop three acres of land and are instead seeking adjacent lots within a pre-existing neighborhood. That way, everyone can buy their own plot and build their own house, but we will still have shared communal space and an overarching intentionality to our little “neighborhood.”

    Things are moving quickly because we’ve found an appealing piece of property. I wasn’t even going to start looking for land until we sold our house, but you know me. I love to plan. I really couldn’t help myself.

    So now we’re trying to see if we

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