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    Reflections on Motherhood

    Two of my favorite bloggers recently wrote reflections about the difficult intersection between our personal lives as mothers and our professional lives. Amy of Progressive Pioneer wrote a whole essay about how she decided to temporarily give up blogging. She explained:
    This is what it came down to, the choice between the illusion of a life lived and the real, flesh and bones, eye to eye, heart to heart life lived. Pixels versus people. The gap between the life represented on screen, and the day-to-day happenings in our home had grown to an unacceptable level. I wondered when I had crossed over that murky, gray line into the territory of
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    Slipper Renovation

    Images courtesy of Felting by Grazim

    I’ve been coveting these slippers on Etsy for a while now. Since I can’t justify the price tag while we’re in Penny Pinching Mode, I thought about adding them to my Christmas wishlist.

    But then, while doing an errand at Walgreens, I stumbled across a pair of slippers in the $1 bin. In general, I try to steer clear of those kinds of cheap products because they aren’t really cheap at all (they take a huge toll on the environment, workers, etc.). But sometimes I compromise those values in favor of my values related to saving money.

    I scooped up that pair of

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    The Importance of Practical Life

    Since I started chucking my to-do list during Henry’s awake times, I’ve noticed that he’s become more needy, demanding, and clingy. Of course it’s partly due to his age (8 months) and his developmental trajectory.

    However, when I read this post and this post by Stephanie, a Montessori mom, I decided to try a different strategy. I decided to make myself busy around Henry. I started doing my own work around the house during his awake time. In her posts, she specifically said to stay off the computer and the cell phone during this time, since it’s a distraction to the child’s own work.

    I decided to start by doing

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