An Environment of Yes’s: How to Create It
I am not a perpetual furniture re-arranger. I am not someone who takes pleasure in trying out new positions and arrangements “just for a change.” Sometimes I wish I were, but I’m not. Yes, I move these around from time to time to get them just right. But once things are in a position that feels tuned to my aesthetic preferences, I am perfectly happy to leave them alone and occupy myself with other pursuits. However, to authentically implement Montessori in the home, I absolutely have to rearrange things to keep up with Henry’s developmental needs. I have had to learn how to create an environment of yes’s.
Examples of
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Mini-Caramel Apples
Picture courtesy of Sunset Magazine
I’m checking things off my list of intentions for the Fall!… Read MoreWe ventured to a pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin for all six of us (Matt, Henry, Hoss, and our two chickens, Clem and Hop-Sing). Henry had a grand ol’ time eating grass.
I also made some caramel apples for a potluck with friends. I found a recipe in Sunset Magazine for mini-caramel apples. So cute!
I tried to follow this easier recipe, and the whole thing was pretty much a failure. The caramel slid right off. After rereading the Sunset recipe, I’m wondering if it’s because I turned the mini-apple
Book Recommendations
I have been on a hiatus from fiction reading for too long! Like, um, two years? Is that right? I think so. Two years ago in October, I attended the Houston B.I.R.T.H fair and then picked up a bunch of free books about conception and pregnancy from the public library sale. Since then, I’ve pretty much been reading only non-fiction.… Read MoreWhen I put out a request for recommendations, I really appreciated your responses! Now I’m looking for a more permanent solution to finding new books. I want to join a social networking site related to book sharing. So far, I’ve heard about Good Reads and Shelfari (from you all,