Six Months: Happy Birthday, Henry!
Oh, Henry, you are pure joy! You seriously bring immense gladness into our hearts.You changed so much from 5-6 months. You are essentially crawling! I say “essentially” because it’s more of an army crawl, but you can get anywhere you want to go, and quickly! You love to crawl all around your room (and over obstacles like pillows), and you even crawled from your room, down the hallway, through the dining room, and to the very back of the kitchen.
You’ve also started pulling up into a standing position completely independently. Although you can sit for short periods of time by yourself, you really have no use for it. -
Sponsor Introduction & Celebration
I’m really excited to share some of my favorite independent businesses with you all!
First, there’s Sebrina of Mismikado Creations. She designed my new and improved header for this blog, so I know from first-hand experience that she is super-fun and easy to work with, very accommodating, positive, responsive, and creative–just what you want in a graphic designer.Then there’s Carrie and Shane of Beginning Montessori. They are a husband and wife team that hand makes Montessori materials to support the development of infants and toddlers. How sweet is that? All their products are recommended by the AMI (Association Montessori Internationale), which is
Baby Food Party
These days, I’m trying to find as many ways possible to leverage the power of community to save money. Our babysitting co-op has been great for that. I’m able to get free babysitting for Henry by babysitting my friends’ babies.
I recently had the idea that I could save time and money (and have fun!) by coordinating a baby food making party. I sent out a message to the gals from my prenatal yoga class and six of them expressed interest.We’re going to get together on a Saturday afternoon (sans babies) and make a whole bunch of homemade, organic baby food. Since baby food can be frozen for up