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    A Montessori Home

    Henry’s Montessori room

    Since we’re officially putting our home on the market right after Labor Day, we might be moving as early as October. Craziness!

    Before we move, I want to come up with a plan for how to make space for Henry in our next home. We’ll need to think about his developmental needs and craft the environment in a way that meets those needs. We want to help cultivate his independence as much as possible, and we want him to feel like a valued member of our family.

    Perhaps I should go room by room:

    Henry’s Bedroom:

    • He’ll need a floor bed. Right now he uses a crib
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    Container Gardening: Basil

    Henry and I have decided that it’s time to start gardening (well, I’d like to think that Henry is as excited as I am–humor me, okay?). On a recent trip to Whole Foods, we picked up a basil plant, grown at a local nursery.

    My Little Herb Gardens book says that we should do the following:
    1. For five to six plants, choose a container about 18 inches in diameter and at least 12 inches deep.
    2. Make sure the container has a drainage hole.
    3. Cover the hole with a little gravel, a few small rocks, or bits of broken pottery.
    4. Fill a sink, bowl, or bucket with water and submerge the
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    Book Recommendation: From Diapers to Dating

    I belong to an online community of mothers in Austin (called Austin Mamas) and a mothers’ group in my neighborhood (called The Heights’ Kids Group). Someone on one of the lists recommended the book called From Diapers to Dating: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Sexually Healthy Children.

    I immediately ordered the book from the library, but when it arrived, I was hesitant to read it. I felt like I wasn’t prioritizing my parenting needs appropriately. I mean, surely there are more urgent and important things for me to be reading about as the mother of a 5-month old?

    Boy, was I wrong!

    I really believe that all parents should

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