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    The Kind of Friend I Want to Be

    We recently went to a friend’s birthday brunch, and I was surprised by my ability to get my act together and do three things for her:
    1. Wrap her present in a creative and fun way
    2. Make fresh-squeezed orange juice for the brunch
    3. Pack up a dozen eggs from our backyard chickens to give to her
    And I showered!

    As we were rushing out the door (and I was hurrying to snap a picture for posterity), I thought to myself: This is the kind of friend I want to be.

    I want to be the kind of person who gives birthday gifts and wraps them up real pretty. I want to

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    Montessori Weaning: Months Two to Four

    According to the teacher at the Montessori class Henry and I are taking (who, coincidentally, happens to be the mother in my favorite Montessori documentary of all time), the Montessori weaning process begins at two months. “Weaning” at this stage just means introducing the tiniest bit of food.

    Here’s an overview of the first couple of months (I’ll share the later months when Henry gets to that point):

    • First two months: Exclusively breast feed
    • 3rd month: 2-3 drops per day of sweet, fresh, organic juice on a small spoon to stimulate enzymes and to help the child explore taste and texture. Peaches, pears, carrots, watermelon, apples, and cucumbers are
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    Home Tour

    Created by Ben Becker
    I’ve been wanting to do a virtual tour of our house for a while now (perhaps to help me feel like a bona fide blogger?). However, I never seemed to muster the motivation to do it, probably because I don’t feel like our house is finished in terms of decor.

    But then I got a request in the comments section of this post from WilderMiss to post a tour of my house. And then I got an e-mail from reader Emily letting me know that she’s moving to Houston and would be interested in looking at our house (since we’ll be moving to Austin soon).


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