Book Club: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
… Read MoreOh, how I heart Stephen R. Covey! It’s not that I think he’s a particularly good writer (I find the prose of most self-development books to be pretty mediocre). It’s just that his ideas are so good!
As I’ve said over and over, I read the first three habits several years ago and have been trying to implement them ever since. The “Put first things first” habit of effective personal organization and time management is something I’ve been practicing a lot. I love it so much I’ve even presented workshops on some of these ideas.
First, I think the four quadrants are absolutely revolutionary. It’s so easy to see that
Pediatrician Update
We recently took Henry to the pediatrician for his two-month check-up. It reminded me that I wanted to talk about two hot topics: vaccinations and circumcision.… Read MoreI’ll start with the easiest decision for us: circumcision. Although Matt is circumcised, neither of us could find a compelling reason to subject our son to having a piece of his skin cut off. When the time comes, we will teach him the importance of keeping it clean. If necessary, we will teach him how to have courage and self-pride, even if he doesn’t look like everyone else.
A kindred spirit e-mailed me to say that she didn’t want to circumcise her son but
Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Ever
Image via Martha Stewart
Okay, I’m not really one for superlatives like “best ever” because obviously I haven’t experienced all the chocolate chip cookie recipes out there. But this recipe is really darn good.Two weekends ago, new friends of ours (from my prenatal yoga class) invited us to join them for the weekend at their family’s lake house outside of Dallas. Not only did they treat us to homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast, they also made a gallon-sized bag of these chocolate chip cookies. Delicious–but not so good for my resolution to cultivate a healthier lifestyle!