I know this post sounds like another vapid maternity leave post, but I’m actually here, typing next to my sleeping (although he’s in the process of waking) baby.
But I really want to talk about shoes.… Read MoreIt’s a funny topic for me because unlike many bloggers I know (and non-blogging women, too), I am not a shoe person. I spend a lot of money to get durable, comfortable shoes, and then I wear them for years. For real. Case in point: the shoes pictured above are pretty much the shoes I wear on a daily basis. The picture was taken in India in 2005 (and I actually got the shoes
Hints of Normalcy
Last Thursday, I tried to introduce some normalcy back into my day. By “normalcy,” I mean doing more than lying around in my bed topless all day long. In these early days of breastfeeding, I find it tremendously difficult to muster the motivation needed to put on a bra and shirt.… Read MoreAnyway, we started the day like we normally do with our herbal bath (one of the exceptions to my “pretty much just stay in bed” pattern). After the bath, I take a shower while Matt watches Henry. However, on the day I was most striving for normalcy, I started to feel really faint. I had to get out of
What Makes a Good Parent?
In my Purposeful Conception Course: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy, we spend a day thinking about what kind of parents we want to be. I wanted to share my personal list (it’s really just a rough draft brainstorm) with all of you to get your thoughts (and, by the way, the attributes are not in any sort of prioritized order):- Patience: Children require an amazing amount of patience. Developmentally, they pass through stages and need different things. At each stage, they need adults who understand what they’re going through and can respond with patience. For example, when babies are learning