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    Food for Labor

    Some homemade hummus I made a while ago
    I joked with Matt, my marathon-running husband, that the only marathon I’ll ever run is giving birth to our children.

    As I prepare for The Big Day (or The Big Two Days or The Big Three Days!), I’m trying to figure out what kind of food I’ll want to consume during labor to keep my energy up. My midwife has recommended that I eat at least every four hours and consume at least 8 ounces of water or red raspberry tea every hour.

    I’ve heard that my appetite will start to disappear as I get deeper and deeper into labor, so

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    Cloth Diapers

    It can be a bit overwhelming to pick out products before the baby’s arrival. I mean, there are simply so many options. Luckily, one of Matt’s colleague’s gave us this book early on in the process. It helped a ton. For example, I read their advice about car seats and just picked one.

    In all honesty, I don’t get that much enjoyment out of doing all the research it takes to find the most perfect option. Luckily, I have lots of people in my life who enjoy this kind of work (like my best friend, Andy, who told me exactly what kind of laptop to get).

    When it

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    Fearless Sewing

    One of my most intense sewing projects ever (9 hours of work!)

    I’ve been meaning to write a post about how to start sewing for a while now. Sewing is such an empowering part of my life, but it can be an intimidating hobby for people who are considering it for the first time.

    My journey into sewing started when I was approximately eight years old. I was obsessed with Ramona books, and I was inspired when I read that Ramona sewed a pair of pants for her stuffed elephant (at least that’s what I’m remembering). I decided that I would sew a scrunchie (it was, after all, the 1980s).

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