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    Beach Birthday Brunch Bash

    Image courtesy bayoumoon

    I’m so excited about my impending birthday party! We’re going to have a “Beach Birthday Brunch Bash” (I’m a sucker for alliteration.)

    I’m keeping it pretty simple: We’re going to borrow a beachfront condo from one of Matt’s colleagues and head over to Galveston after sleeping in on a Saturday morning. We’ll spend the afternoon together just hanging out and relaxing (and probably watching TV, since we don’t have one at home, and it’s quite alluring!). On Sunday morning, we’ll sleep in again and then wake up and start cooking breakfast. We’ll ask one or two of our friends to arrive early to help make a frittata,

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    Matt’s New Hobby

    Matt used some of his Christmas money to pursue his newest passion: The Banjo. How exciting!

    He ordered this one from Amazon and now spends his spare time watching instructional videos on YouTube. I love that he’ll be modeling a musical instrument and constant learning for our little boy. He hasn’t decided on his first real song yet. He wanted to go with Modest Mouse, but I begged him to pick something a) a little easier and b) that could be our baby’s song. I read this excerpt from Living Passages for the Whole Family: Celebrating Rites of Passage from Birth to Adulthood and have been thinking about our “baby’s

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    DIY: House Pillow

    I felt like “Coconut’s” Montessori floor bed looked a little stark against the wall, so I decided to make a cute pillow in the shape of a house. Originally, I was going to make a whole series of animal pillows or a cityscape, but I vetoed that idea since babies aren’t supposed to have pillows on their beds anyway. It will be easy to remove one pillow, but a whole pile of them might get annoying.

    The process was very simple (thankfully, since I had just struggled to make two fitted sheets for his co-sleeper). Here’s what I did:

    • Pulled out fabric from our scrap box and picked some fabrics
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