• Montessori

    Montessori Discovery Basket: How It Works

    I’m so excited about something I read in How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way. They call it a “Basket of Treasures,” but I’ve taken to calling it a “Montessori Discovery Basket.”

    The concept is so simple. Once a baby is able to sit and hold things, you can prepare a basket for them that contains 50-100 real-world objects for them to touch and explore (yes, even by putting the objects in their mouths).

    The objects should incorporate a variety of shapes, colors, textures, weight, and smell. It is best to use objects made of natural materials and not plastic. Plastic things tend to feel all the … Read More

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    The Benefits of Prenatal Exercise

    Hoss and I getting ready for a walk (known to Hoss as a “sniff, sniff”) in my second trimester

    I get silly updates from pregnancy sites on a daily basis. I call them silly because they aren’t usually all that helpful, but I like to skim them anyway because they occasionally have small nuggets of advice. I received this one recently:

    Babies of pregnant exercisers tend to sleep through the night sooner, are less prone to colic, and are better able to soothe themselves. Scientists attribute this to these babies being stimulated by their moms through changes in heart rate and oxygen levels, as well as the sounds and vibrations

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    Couple-Hour Quilt

    I love quilts, but I don’t exactly have the patience to make them in the “proper” way. I don’t have a penchant for a lot of tedious, precise measurement and once the quilt top is done, I want the project to be finished (as opposed to just half-way done!).

    So I kind of improvise when it comes to quilting. I decided to make a little baby quilt (little = easier and faster!). I sketched out a design on the back of an envelope and decided how big I wanted the squares to be and what size I wanted the final quilt to be. I used my rotary cutter and my

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