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    Videos About Birth

    I subscribe to the Hypnobirthing idea that the more fear we feel as we enter into labor, the more tense our bodies will be. The more tense our bodies are, the more difficult it is for our uterus to do the work it needs to do to push the baby out.

    According to one of the doulas we interviewed several months ago, opening yourself to each contraction is something that you have to commit to over and over again throughout the labor process. You have to relax into the experience, working with your body instead of against it.

    One of the strategies I’m using to reduce my level of fear

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    There are several culinary tasks I am simply too intimidated to undertake. For a long time, vegetarian sushi was among those tasks. I thought it would be too time-consuming and difficult. Then I watched a video on someone’s blog about how to make sushi and I was sold. I searched dutifully for a bamboo mat but never managed to find one. I finally just went for it, rolling the seaweed on our counter. It worked beautifully! And I realized that sushi is totally user-friendly and that even I could replicate it at home.

    I had a similar experience this weekend with crepes. Again, I thought it would be too time-consuming

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    Parenting Book Recommendations

    For Christmas, I received a couple of parenting books that I am so eager to dive into:
    1. Simplicity Parenting: Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to Raise Calmer, Happier, and More Secure KidsJustify Full
    2. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families
    3. Making a Family Home
    I read about a hundred pages of Simplicity Parenting (which I highly recommend!) but I finally had to cajole myself to put it down and instead read about birth. With so little time left before our due date (about a month and one week), I really need to prioritize other things, such as making sure we have everything we need for the baby, getting the car
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