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    Cow’s Milk

    I grew up on milk. I usually ate it (and then drank it) with my Chocolate Cocoa Krispies. Then at night, my mom would serve up a tall glass for dinner.

    As my consciousness about nutrition has grown over the years (no more fake cereals for me!), I’ve looked at cow’s milk through a more critical lens. I’m extremely wary of the chemicals and the antibiotics that go into raising cows. I now opt for organic, antibiotic-free milk.

    However, I’ve never gone the route of many of my nutritionally-conscious friends. I know lots of people who have given up dairy. I’ve been reluctant to take this path because, as a

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    Conscious Consumption of Technology

    I listened to an interesting interview on NPR’s “Fresh Air” this weekend. The show’s host talked with William Powers, the author of a new book called, Hamlet’s Blackberry: A Practical Philosophy for Building a Good Life in the Digital Age. The author argues that we should embrace new technologies and new ways of connectivity with intention and mindfulness. He explains that inundating ourselves with knowledge, information, and conversation crowds out the time we need to process all the knowledge/information/conversations we’re taking in. We don’t give ourselves enough space to extract meaning and really take things in. He explains that the more we try to “connect maximally,” the less “present”
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    Registration Is Now Open!

    I’m very excited to announce that registration is now open for the next Purposeful Conception: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy online course, which begins October 3 and runs through November 5. This course will be the last one of the year.

    Here’s some of the positive feedback from the last course:

    “This was an excellent course and a lot of thought, research, hard work, and love went into it – that is obvious. It was comforting to find a community of others who are really taking the time to plan for conception and parenthood, because I don’t find that among my local community. Great job, Sara. Really
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