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    Pregnancy Snacks

    I’ve been trying follow the specific nutritional guidelines put forth in the What to Expect When You’re Expecting book:
    • 3 servings of protein (20-25 grams/serving)
    • 4 servings of calcium
    • 3 servings of Vitamin C
    • 3 servings of green leafy and yellow fruits and vegetables
    • 2 servings of other fruits and vegetables
    • 6 servings of whole grains and legumes
    I track it on this form that I created (although I don’t know how long I’ll have the motivation to keep it up!). If I start to experience nausea, I know it will be harder and harder to eat healthy. I’d like to build up as many nutrients as possible while I
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    Thoughts on Making the World a Better Place

    Oh, I am getting teary-eyed (no, it’s not because I’m pregnant and a gazillion hormones are coursing through my body). It’s because the first crop of third graders I taught in Franklin, Louisiana (a small, rural town two hours away from New Orleans and one hour away from Lafayette) just graduated from high school.

    I got this message from one of my former students:

    hey ms cotner,

    I’m just trying to keep you informed with how I’m doing. I am officially a grown up now. i graduated number nine in my class and that’s something that I’m very proud of. I’m currently in summer school at Louisiana State University. I’m

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    Game Recommendations

    Anyone out there like to play board games and card games?

    I have two new recommendations to add to my list: Quiddler and SET.

    Quiddler is a fun word game that has some elements of Rummy in it. To start, each player is dealt three cards with letters on them. The goal is to make a word. On your turn, you can either draw a letter from the discard pile or pick a new card. Once a player “goes down,” then the other players have one more turn before they, too, must put down their words. Points are awarded based on the letters you used. In the next round, the

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