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    Book: Glass Ceilings & 100-Hour Couples

    I am so excited about one of the books I recently check out from the library. It’s entitled, Glass Ceilings & 100-Hour Couples: What the Opt-Out Phenomenon Can Teach Us About Work and Family.

    I have to confess that I’ve only read the two-page prologue, so this isn’t yet a bona fide recommendation. However, I already have lots of neat ideas swirling around in my head.

    The authors are both college professors. They talk about how the sabbaticals that they are entitled to as college professors give them a chance to feel what it’s like to be a “stay-at-home-mom,” while the rest of the year they experience what it’s

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    Yoga Retreat “To Bring” List

    Image courtesy of My Big Walk

    I can’t believe I’m going on my first yoga retreat ever. Woo-hoo!

    Clearly, I am very, very excited.

    Here’s what my best friend and I are going to do:

    4:15pm yoga
    7:30pm whole foods cooking class

    9am detox Sara, maybe Andy (guided hike @ 9)
    11am Ayurveda class
    4:15pm yoga class

    6:30am yoga (Andy?)
    9am becoming whole class
    11am yoga and nutrition (Sara) share circle (Andy)
    noon dance
    1:30pm kayaking
    4:15pm yoga

    11am awakening the six senses class

    What are my goals for the retreat? (I’m going to force myself to prioritize them from most to least important.)

    1. To relax
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    Conception Update: Cycle 1


    Today marks 35 days since the start of my last period. I haven’t been feeling anything too strange, so I have no reason to suspect that I’m pregnant. I mainly think my strange feelings are related to digestive issues from all the unhealthy food I’ve been eating. I’ve read that many early-pregnancy symptoms mimic those of PMS. Strangely, I’m not having too many PMS symptoms either.

    Also, my cycle has been irregular ever since I stopped taking birth control pills (of course it was regular when I was on the pill, but it was all regular before I started the pill). I’m not going to start taking multiple home

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