Being a Neighborly Neighbor
… Read MoreThe view from our bungalow to the house across the street
Matt and I have only lived in our humble bungalow for two years. In that time, people have come and gone in the rental house across the street. We were really good friends with the first family that lived there. We went to their birthday parties, we talked on our porches, we cooked S’mores together.
And then they moved. We were heartbroken but not discouraged. We attempted to make friends with the new neighbors. They were young and interesting. We walked our dog with theirs. We invited them to our monthly potlucks.
And then they broke up. In an
Mother Mentor: Things I Wish I Would’ve Known Before Having a Baby
I’m on the search for “Mothering Mentors,” so I was giddy with excitement when one of my internet friends e-mailed me with this advice:I wanted to send a quick list of some of the things about motherhood that I wish I would have known beforehand. Hope it’s useful on your journey.- Postpartum depression is real and even if there’s no history in your family and even if you had a perfect pregnancy, it is real and not to be ignored. I didn’t seek help for mine until my daughter was 6 1/2 months old because I was so stuck on being organic. I was in denial big time. So,
Moments of Authenticity
I’ve struggled for a long time to find “my path”–my most authentic wave. Many years ago, I auditioned to work at Princeton Review (as a side job to supplement my teaching income). As part of the interview, we had to do a sample lesson about anything. I chose to do a tutorial about how to make an envelope out a recycled magazine page.
A co-interviewee decided to teach about quantum physics. (Please forgive me as I botch his lecture through the lens of my metaphor-obsessed brain.) He talked about how everything in the universe is essentially a wave. He also mentioned that waves can collide and cancel each other out.… Read More