Healthy Eating (cont’d)
Image courtesy of smitten kitchen
It’s cold here. I’m not saying that to complain; I’m saying it to provide context about why I stayed inside and read all day yesterday. (I’ll detail more of my reading insights in later posts!)
I mainly read pregnancy books. We still have a while before we want to start trying to conceive, but I love planning. I want to best prepare my body for conception, and I want to deal with the stressful stuff (like deciding between home birth or a birthing center) as much as possible now.
I picked up Healthy Eating During Pregnancy at the library yesterday (yes, I braved the cold … Read More
Rain Collection System
Hooray! We finally had our rain collection system installed. We hired our neighbor to install a little piece of gutter that will feed into our barrel. One inch of rain will collect 175 gallons. Oy vey!We had it installed on the side of the house that we will use for our raised garden beds this year. It’s out of reach of the dog and chickens, which will keep it a little safer (although I imagine the neighborhood cats will make their way to it).
We ordered the rain barrel a long time ago from a project to raise money for a Montessori school. It’s just been sitting around for … Read More
Our Living, Growing Scrapbook
I’m making a commitment to keep our scrapbook updated. In that vein, I went to Snapfish to upload some of our Christmas photos. I debated about whether to upload them to Walgreens and pick them up or upload them to Snapfish and have them sent to our house. In the end, the Snapfish route was only a little more expensive (I went to retailmenot to get a coupon code), and I think I am more likely to stick to my scrabooking resolution if the prints are delivered to my house.