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    Crafty Plans

    Photo courtesy of Oh! Fransson!

    We’re in Bloomington, Indiana, visiting Matt’s family, and my San Diego self is freezing. Seriously!

    It’s tempting to stay inside in my pajamas (and warm socks) all day. (By “tempting” I mean that’s exactly what I’ve done.)

    I had a good excuse this morning because I had to work on a 6th grade reading unit plan about theme for some consulting I’m doing. And then I decided I needed to clean out my e-mail inbox. Then I started planning my craft projects for the new year. My first project is going to be a bag for my new water bottle, writer’s notebook, wallet, cell … Read More

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    A Living, Growing Scrapbook

    I’m finalizing the present situation for this year. I’ve managed to pull it together, despite my rather lax attitude toward the holidays this year.

    I still have a few more presents to go, namely for my beloved, Matt. I’m going to register him for a woodworking class, since he’s been obsessed with the idea of using power tools to construct something for a while now.

    I’m also thinking about putting together an album to chronicle our life together. We have so many pictures online, but it would be nice to have something to curl up with on the couch and flip through.

    I was inspired by this post from Progressive … Read More

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    Happy Holidays!

    My best friend is on a cooking kick. My original present idea was to make him a binder of recipes. Matt and I keep our favorite recipes in a binder for easy access. If we find one online, we print it out and stick it in. If we get it out of a book, we zerox it and add it to our collection. That way, when it’s time to plan our meals for the week we have a cadre of tried-and-true recipes.

    However, it dawned on me that he is not a binder person; he is a computer person. So, instead, I scanned in all our favorite recipes and burned … Read More