Clearing Out the Clutter
It does not stress out everyone, but it drives me crazy.
And yet I often let our office/craft room get cluttered (it’s easy to do because we have three tables that make a giant L-shape against the walls).
Ironically, it takes approximately 6 minutes to clear off the clutter entirely. It usually entails putting away a few books, recycling some trash, and filing a few papers.
And yet here I am, trying to write my lesson plans for the first week of school in January, and I’m mired in clutter. Ugh!
Okay, I am going to spend six minutes clearing it off, so the rest of … Read More
It Pays to Discover
Okay, I can’t believe I just used a capitalistic, consumeristic tagline as my title.
But seriously, friends, it makes so much sense to use a Discover credit card for as many monthly purchases as possible and then earn money back.
Disclaimer: Only use credit cards if you can pay off the entire balance each month! I am not advocating that you start racking up credit card debt. On the contrary! Credit cards can be super-dangerous because they can deceive you into thinking you have more money than you do. And honestly, it’s stupid to pay money for money (which is what we do if we carry credit card debt) unless … Read More
Authentic Moments
In one of my Writer’s Notebooks, I have a place to record my most authentic life moments–those moments when I was doing something that made me feel most aligned with my authentic self. I entitled it, “Butterfly Specimens.” It was a place to collect those rare, fleeting, but beautiful specimens.I used to obsess over finding and cultivating those moments.
I had one of those authentic moments tonight. Matt and I went to a party (at 9pm on a school night). I reconnected with an acquaintance I met a long time ago and could immediately tell we should be better friends. And, luckily, her partner seemed completely awesome (and got … Read More