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    Mustering the Motivation

    Oy vey. I struggle with motivation. I really do.

    My goal is to run (well, jog pretty slowly) four times a week for about 35 minutes. I need to do this because a) it helps keep my weight in check b) my dog needs to release his energy and c) exercise is good for the soul (and hormone levels and general health and wellness).

    On the other three days, my goal is to do 15 minutes of yoga.

    It’s an ambitious–yet entirely feasible–goal. I run on Saturday and Sunday mornings (which I actually love) and then on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. It’s the weekdays that are the hardest for me. … Read More

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    Natural Deoderant Recommendation

    Matt is in the bathroom–literally as I type this–saying, “This is a revelation!”

    He’s talking about the new natural deoderant we share: Burt’s Bees Men’s Natural Deoderant.

    The smell is pretty gender-neutral, as far as I’m concerned (although I do tend to prefer a more centrist position on personal hygiene products). To me, the smell is very light and spicy.

    It still feels pretty sticky going on, but I don’t notice it after I let it dry for a few minutes.

    Matt and I joke about how his sperm are going to be better off because he switched to a natural deoderant. Although I don’t believe we need to … Read More

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    Delicious Recipe

    Photo courtesy of fresh365

    Matt and I have a good system going for meals. We try to cook together four times a week and eat out three. Ideally, we experiment with at least one new recipe a week and resort to our “Favorites Binder” for the rest of our meals. If we like our experimental meal, we print it out and add it to our binder. If we don’t like it, we forget about it.

    We’ve been so busy lately that we’ve resorted to our standbys instead of looking for new recipes. However, we finally tried a new recipe yesterday: Maple-Pumpkin Pasta with Blue Cheese and Sage.

    We simplified … Read More