Breakfast of Champions
A couple of factors have led to a shift in my breakfast routine. For a while, I was making a delicious smooth with one cup of organic, non-fat, plain yogurt with a banana (the riper it is, the better for natural sweetness).But then I got terrible sinus congestion and decided to lay off the dairy products for a while. Plus, it got cold.
So, back to the oatmeal it is. But I like Oatmeal Plus (or “Oatmeal on Steroids”). It includes things like raw pumpkin seeds, apples, dried cranberries, almond slivers and dried cherries. Delicious!
But I need more variety in my life for sure. What do you recommend … Read More
I Think I Can, I Think I Can…
I really want to be the kind of person who runs and does yoga. In my mind, those two exercises are very complementary. Ideally, I would run at least four times a week for approximately 30 minutes and do 15 minutes of yoga at least three times a week. (Editor’s Note: I realize 15 minutes of yoga does do real yoga much justice, but at least it’s a start, right?)
The running part is the easiest because of our beloved bloodhound, Hoss. He needs to run every day, so Matt and I divide up who takes him. He’s my responsibility on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
The yoga part is … Read More
Preparing for Conception
I’ve been gobbling up the posts at Progressive Pioneer. When I saw a post about preparing for conception, I decided to dig into my pregnancy book basket and start sifting through all the information about pre-conception and how to prepare one’s body for conception.
According to our current sense of our life trajectory, Matt and I are thinking about trying to get pregnant next summer. Although I am a planner and like to prepare for things in advance, I promise I did not actually run out and purchase any of the books in my pregnancy book basket. Rather, Matt and I went to the public library book store a while … Read More