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    Taking the Road Less Traveled

    I need books in my life. I really do. I need to be reading a book for fun in order to live a truly rounded, whole existence.

    I know this about myself and yet I don’t always cooperate with my needs. When I get busy at work, my reading slips quietly off my agenda for the day (or week or month!). It’s sad.

    But I’m on vacation! And I am reconnecting with my dear friend, Books. I’m reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. (Yes, I know I am behind all the other readers in America…) It’s a memoir about living an inauthentic life (in her case, it was in … Read More

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    Reusing Security Envelopes

    I was clearing out our mail pile yesterday (we have a new and improved place to put it rather than on the dining room table), and I noticed–for pretty much the first time ever–the inside of security envelopes. I’m smitten!

    And then I remembered a post that the lovely Kristina did about using security envelopes to make a wedding card. Now I realize what she was talking about! [Yes, I feel like an idiot for catching on so slowly.]

    I’m going to start collecting those envelopes (hooray for reusing!) and then make something very similar to Kristina’s without feeling any guilt about copying someone else’s idea. That’s what blogs are … Read More

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    Chicken Update

    Ah, chickens.

    We picked them up from the acquaintance-of-our-friend’s-stepmom who was giving them away. We packed the 5 x 2-feet box into my tiny Honda Fit (which, by the way, has a miraculous amount of space). When we got them home, I wondered, “Um, what were we thinking?” With no chicken coop and little to no knowledge of how to raise chickens, I felt utterly unprepared.

    I was scared to touch them, and I couldn’t easily envision them playing the role of cute pets in our life. But after about 15 minutes, I was over it. I love them. I adore them. They make the sweetest sounds (think subtle bird … Read More