And Chickens Make Seven
Finally! We are getting chickens. We’ve been talking about it for so long (we’ve had the names picked out forever: more names from Bonanza show to go along with our dog, Hoss).We’re getting them for free through a random connection (friend–>step-mom–>fellow parent at a private school). Matt and I jumped at the chance. We thought there might be a nicer coop involved, but it sounds like we’re basically getting chickens in a box (which, in the end, doesn’t save us that much money, since chickens are pretty cheap). But oh well. At least it’s a little fire under our behinds to follow-up on our chicken-procuring goal.
We’ll be raising … Read More
At Least We’ve Got the Onions
We are not having a good gardening season so far. The odds are stacked against us: the fickle weather, the ravaging dog, the lack of gardening skill and prowess.
We tried to cover things to protect them from the cold snow yesterday. But our dog, Haus, managed to knock down the wire cages and thus heavy, limp towels landed on the plants. I know I’m no green thumb, but I can’t imagine that’s good for them.
Plus he deliberately dug a bunch of dirt out of the tomato box.
Oi vey. At least we’ve got the onions, carrots, peas, radishes, and wild flowers.
Another S.O.S.
It’s snowing today. Sheesh. It’s May 13 and it’s snowing. We have officially passed the 6-month mark for winter. Help!
We covered everything last night with tarps and sheets. But many of our plants are pretty much dead. Bye, bye tomatoes. And bell peppers.
Gardening is very difficulty for me, indeed.