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    Google Rescue

    The Season Starters really do seem to create a little heat oasis on top of the soil. Unfortunately, we had to move them (water and all) to get the soil ready for the tomato plants. We had gotten so excited about setting them up that we forgot to level out the earth beneath them.

    We were scooping dirt from unused beds and suddenly Matt reached for pea square and dug his hands straight down into it before I could utter a word out of my agape mouth. Oh well, I’m not that excited about peas anyway. It seems pretty tedious to get them out of their sleeping bags (three at … Read More

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    Smooth Operators

    Yesterday was a winter wonderland when I woke up. Today it was in the seventies.

    I finally got out there and planted:

    1) Red and white onions (like 64 of them!)
    2) 16 carrots
    3) 16 radishes
    4) 13 pea plants
    5) Two squares of wildflowers
    6) 4 spinach plants

    We also set up some Season Starters. They aren’t exactly smooth operators (or maybe it’s us). We had a hard feeling each tube evenly, which is a prerequisite for keeping it balanced. But it worked out in the end. The goal is to heat up the soil, then plant our tomato transplants, and hopefully reap the reward of tomatoes … Read More