Of course, since I live in Colorado, it could easily be snowing tomorrow.
Alas, I took advantage of the transitory warmth to do a little gardening. Or, pre-gardening, I should say.
At the end of last season, I pretty much left the raised beds in utter disarray. I was discouraged by the garden’s lack of proliferation last season, and I was cold.
So today I pulled out all the old plants, as well as the new weeds. I turned the soil and evened it out in the beds. They look fantastic. And it took me less than an hour. Hooray for square-foot gardening! There’s so much … Read More
Fruit Juice Tiff
Matt and I had a bit of a tiff last night. He picked up four bottles of Naked juice, overjoyed that they would only cost us $14. I didn’t say anything about it, but apparently my face did.
He confronted me.
I explained, “It’s just that I don’t really see the point in spending money on fruit juice. If you want the benefits of juice, why not just eat the fruit itself? It costs less. There’s more fiber. And you aren’t condoning the production of more plastic.”
He proceeded to read the salubrious ingredients, including things like spiralina.
I argued that our venerable ancestors did not drink spiralina out of … Read More
Gulps from a Petroleum Sucking Spigot
Last night Matt and I trekked to our favorite bookstore in LoDo (as those wannabe New-York cool Denver residents like to say) to listen to a presentation by the author of the newly published Farewell, My Subaru.
Doug Fine proclaims (from the very top of his soapbox) that if he (a Brooklyn-ite who was weaned on Domino’s Pizza) can live locally and get oil out of his life, anybody can.
His argument is mainly compelling (despite the fact that he lives on a 41-acre ranch in New Mexico and seems to sustain himself through the proceeds from his book deal). I walked away from the presentation with the following … Read More