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    From the Dirt to the Table

    Ah. To pick something from the garden and eat it. Indescribable.

    Let me include a recipe instead:

    Tomato (these aren’t ready yet), Basil, and Mozzarella Sandwiches

    • Bread from a bakery (The best bread you can get your hands on! Seriously, the bread makes this meal. The Whole Foods on Kirby in Houston has a wonderful bread–kind of hidden in the deli section–ciabatta soaked in olive oil and sprinkled with dried rosemary. At the very least, please make sure the bread doesn’t have high fructose corn-syrup, okay?)
    • Basil (preferably out of the garden)
    • Tomatoes (also, preferably out of the garden)
    • Real mozzarella (the balls that come in a plastic tub
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    Battle of the Gardeners

    So perhaps I should keep track of all the ways in which I deviate from Mel’s recommendations (of All New Square Foot Gardening fame). He is, after all, a gardening guru, and I should pretty much follow his advice to a tee. But that is oh-so hard for me to do. Stubborn Sara.

    By keeping track of the deviations, we’ll be able to wax more empirical as things start to work and other things don’t. Come to think of it, we should also keep track of all the ways in which we go against the advice of the Plant Doctor. She sits at her own desk, surrounded by reference books, … Read More

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    Solstice Stealth

    Our first seeds sprouted today. My paternal feelings are a little odd. Even Matt is suffering from an acute case of anthropomorphism. During dinner, he was silent for few minutes, scrunched his nose and said, “If we go out to a concert tomorrow night, we won’t get home in time to water our plants at their usual time.”

    Matt was the first to notice them. One pumpkin sprout. One watermelon sprout. One cantaloupe sprout. Awed by the fact that the three sprouts appeared on the exact same day, I asked, “Matt, did you dig the plants out of the ground or something?” He confirmed that he did not. Then … Read More