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    Foraging at the Bookstore

    I hate when I’m attracted to the “New in Hardcover” table at the bookstore. Just like a moth to the light. I can’t help it. The table is right in front of the door (of course). I’m a classic consumer. The books cost so much more than soft covers, and I don’t like the pretentious feel of hardcover books in my hands. But I could not resist purchasing Plenty: One man, One Woman, and a Raucous Year of Eating Locally by Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon. In fact, I was surprised by the number of titles related to food production. Eating locally and organically is on the up-and-up. Mark my … Read More

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    Let the [Gardening] Games Begin

    So, I hit adulthood at last. In other words, I’m finally ready to start a garden. I honestly haven’t lived anywhere that explicitly permits gardening. I do currently live in a house that’s been converted into four apartments, and I somehow manage to have a composter. It’s of the plastic variety, and it mingles quite inconspicuously with the trashcans. Since I’m moving in three weeks (to a place that won’t require me to compost my organic waste in stealth), I cleaned out the composter a few weekends ago. Now an amazing vine-ish type thing is proliferating in the black circle of rich soil.

    In an attempt to make real gardening … Read More